After several years of study at the Beaux Arts in Toulouse, JFK launches in various competitions and won her first awards and medals in 1999.
- Award of the Public 2002, Art Plastiques, CASTELNAUDARY
- Award of Interpretation 2003, Salon International, BEZIERS
- Award of Composition 2005, SAM JOME DE LECA, SPAIN
- Award of La Toile d'Or 2006, French Federation of Arts
- Award Arts and Frames 2007, Les Méridionaux, TOULOUSE
- Award of Mixed Technique 2007, CHATEAU VALMY
- Award of Fondation Pous
- Award Prémio, ALBA, ITALY
- Jury Award for Bullfighting 2009, ARGELES
- Abstract Arts awards 2012 et 2013, PALME D’OR ART, TOULOUSE
- Academician International of VERBANO, ITALY
- Associate of Arts and Letters in FRANCE and BELGIUM
- Artist's Diploma from the European Community (European Art Group)
- Listed in the prestigious Côte Akoun / Art Price / Drouot Cotation
- ALAF Member, supervised by UN
- Knight Academician 2014, MONDIAL ART ACADEMIA
- Member of the European Institute of Contemporary Arts